Found 9 results tagged with '2017'

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Diversity is key

Diversity is key

Details   This wild and and colourful 'garden' is packed with edible and beneficial plants, a completely different ecosystem from the boring grass monoculture that preceded it. Fruit and nut trees mix with annual crops arranged along raised log planting mounds that provide valuable water storage and nutrients.
Tags     2017  October 

Terracing and trees

Details   8 years on - Adding terraces to steep slopes reduces runoff keeping valuable water of site longer while also improving access for planting, maintenance and harvest. Trees can be more densely planted, stacked and over hanging one another for maximum productivity. This natural sun trap is the ideal location for a solar powered clothes dryer and a wonderful micro climate with excellent cold air drainage.
Tags     2017  Progress  September 
Early October

Early October

Details   We've been working flat out with our Intern, Zac, and so it's been a while since our last horn tooting photo update. So here it is, bellbirds, blossoms, native nitrogen fixers and food forest progress. Enjoy and then get out there and invite nature into your bit of the world.
Date   October 06, 2017
Tags     2017  October 


Tags     2017 
Colours of spring

Colours of spring

Details   A lush time of year, when a lot of good growing gets done and the shape of summer is still around the corner.
Date   October 08, 2017
Tags     2017  October  Spring  Blossom 
Star tetrahedron rising in Kaikoura

Star tetrahedron rising in Kaikoura

Details   Constructed from recycled 10mm steel rod as a gift for my mother-in-law.
Date   December 04, 2017
Tags     art  sculpture  kaikoura  tetrahedron  2017 

9 years anniversary

Details   Our yearly ritual of dressing in aged wedding attire and making a photo shoot to mark the passing of time. This year we had the assistance of intern, Zach, behind the camera to make things more creative.
Date   November 01, 2017
Tags     anniversary  wedding  spring  2017 

Sprawling forest garden in the making

Details   6 years on - Working from an open expanse of grass we are well on the way to a productive forest garden filled with interesting, edible and useful plants. The challenge here was getting wind shelter established, this has reduced moisture loss while contributing valuable biomass and soil improvement, shade and habitat for birds and insects.
Tags     2017  October  Progress