Found 5 results tagged with 'Birds'

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While cutting wood the other day I uncovered a nest containing 14 quail eggs. These birds are common round here and apparently make good eating so I transfered the eggs under a clucky hen in the hopes she will hatch them out.
November 29, 2009
  quail  birds  eggs  incubate 
Friendly kereru regularly visit the orchard

Friendly kereru regularly visit the orchard

Details   Seen sitting here in one of the older plum trees, one of the local wood pidgin helps thin blossoms before flying heavily to the next tree.
Date   September 18, 2014
Tags     kereru  plum  blossoms  orchard  native birds 
Bird Safety - The clown cat

Bird Safety - The clown cat

Gibson had been catching an unfortunate number of birds over the winter months (as well as mice which we are greatfull for) so something had to be done.

He doesn't seem to mind his bright 'bird safety' collar.
August 04, 2010
  Gibson  birds