Found 5 results tagged with 'deciduous'

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Large fruited thornless hawthorn seeds

Large fruited thornless hawthorn seeds

Common name   Chinese Hawthorn
Botanical name   Crataegus pinnatifida
Details   A deciduous tree or shrub that can grow to heights of 5-10meters. Grown widely in China for its edible red fruits, these seed come from a tree planted in 2013. This specimen is thornless and produces large quantities of big dark red fruit after white flowers. This is the only type of hawthorn we grow and there are no wild ones in close proximity (that I am aware of) so seed should be pure.
Tags     berries  deciduous  edible  fruit  perennial 
Price   $4.20  20 seeds
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Paulownia Seed

Paulownia Seed

Common name   princess tree, empress tree, or foxglove-tree
Botanical name   Paulownia tomentosa
Details   Deciduous hardwood tree with very large leaves. Fragrant flowers, large and violet-blue in colour are produced before the leaves, in early spring. Native to central and western China. Extremely fast-growing in the right conditions reaching a height of 10 - 25m
Tags     deciduous  flowers  pink  tree 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds
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Laburnum Seeds

Laburnum Seeds

Common name   Golden chain or golden rain tree
Botanical name   Laburnum anagyroides
Details   Also known as golden rain or golden chain due to yellow pea-flowers in pendulous leafless racemes 10–40 cm long in spring, which makes them popular garden trees. All parts of the plant are poisonous, although mortality is very rare.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     deciduous  flowers  N fixer  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Thornless Honey Locust Seed

Thornless Honey Locust Seed

Botanical name   Gleditsia triacanthos f.inermis
Details   Excellent shade and autumn colour tree. Produces very large pods with sticky sweet pulp, valued for stock fodder. Thrives in the heat and dry.
Drought tolerance  
Jugulone tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     deciduous  N fixer  tree 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds