Found 8 results tagged with 'shrub'

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Chaste Tree seeds

Chaste Tree seeds

Common name   vitex, chaste tree, chasteberry, Abraham's balm, lilac chastetree, monk's pepper
Botanical name   Vitex angus castus
Drought tolerance  
Tags     perennial  shrub  health 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds
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Globe Artichoke

Globe Artichoke

Botanical name   Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus
Details   The globe artichoke is a variety of a species of large thistle cultivated as a food. The edible matter is buds that form within the flower heads before the flowers come into bloom.
Tags     perennial  shrub  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Red Broom Seeds

Red Broom Seeds

Common name   Ruby Scotch Broom
Botanical name   Cytisus Ruby
Details   Seed collected from Cytisus Ruby, a small, fast growing, shrub with an abundance of deep, crimson-red flowers from late spring and early summer. Due to cross pollination or genetic diversity the seed may produce plants with some yellow flowers as per photos.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  red  shrub  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Rosa Rugosa Seeds

Rosa Rugosa Seeds

Botanical name   Rosa Rugosa
Details   Large edible fruits (hips), which resembles cherry tomatoes, 2-3cm diameter, in late summer and early autumn. Plants often bear fruit and flowers at the same time. The leaves typically turn bright yellow before falling in autumn.
Fruit / berries  
Tags     berries  edible  flowers  perennial  shrub  white 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Flowers   White
Piptanthus nepalensis seeds

Piptanthus nepalensis seeds

Flowers   Yellow
Common name   Evergreen Laburnum
Botanical name   Piptanthus nepalensis
Details   This Himalayan shrub grows easily from seed, is evergreen in mild sheltered sites, semi-evergreen elsewhere, losing its leaves in hard frost but soon recovering again in spring. The growth is upright and flexible, allowing plants to be trained on warm walls where they are sheltered and flower more profusely. The blooms are large and bright yellow, like those of laburnum but in short upright clusters. Although good drainage is important, make sure plants are watered in summer to prevent sudden die-back.
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  shrub  yellow 
Price   $4.50  20 seeds
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Siberian Pea Shrub seeds

Siberian Pea Shrub seeds

Botanical name   Caragana arborescens
Details   Hardy and versatile, Caragana arborescens is a nitrogen-fixing shrub or small tree, perfect for enhancing soil fertility, creating windbreaks, or adding beauty to your garden with its bright yellow spring flowers.

Thriving in poor soils and harsh climates, it’s drought-tolerant and easy to grow. The seeds are high in protein, making them valuable for livestock or wildlife.

Ideal for forest gardens, erosion control, or as an ornamental addition, this low-maintenance plant is a must-have for sustainable landscapes.

Fresh seed collected from our single mature specimen planted in 2013
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     perennial  shrub  legume 
Price   $5.90  20 seeds
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Yellow bush / tree lupine seeds

Yellow bush / tree lupine seeds

Botanical name   Lupinus arboreus
Details   A fast growing woody lupine with yellow flowers and a sweet scent. Grows well in poor quality soil and makes a good source of biomass and quick low growing shelter and habitat. Short lived perennial bush or shrub that grows in poor conditions. Nitrogen fixing
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  shrub  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds