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Rosa Rugosa Seeds

Rosa Rugosa Seeds

Botanical name   Rosa Rugosa
Details   Large edible fruits (hips), which resembles cherry tomatoes, 2-3cm diameter, in late summer and early autumn. Plants often bear fruit and flowers at the same time. The leaves typically turn bright yellow before falling in autumn.
Fruit / berries  
Tags     berries  edible  flowers  perennial  shrub  white 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Flowers   White
Russell Lupin Seeds

Russell Lupin Seeds

Colour   mixed
Botanical name   Lupinus polyphyllus
Details   This leafy plant can grow to a meter and a half with its tall colourful spires of flowers which are a nectar source for bumblebees and other insects. Being a legume, lupins fix nitrogen in the surrounding soil for use by other plants making them a useful as well as attractive addition to the garden or orchard.
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  perennial  pink  purple  white  yellow 
Price   $3.20  20 seeds
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Tagasaste (tree lucerne) seeds

Tagasaste (tree lucerne) seeds

Botanical name   Chamaecytisus palmensis
Details   Fast growing, drought resistant nitrogen fixer (legume). This small tree has white flowers which are loved by bees, bumblebees and native pigeon. Grown as a nurse or support tree during the establishment of more long term tree plantings. Useful as a quick canopy / umbrella over citrus, avocados etc. or used as physical scaffold for climbers such as grape, kiwifruit etc. Good firewood from mature trees. Pour hot water over the seeds and soak for 24 hours before planting into course sand.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  tender  tree  white 
Price   $1.90  20 seeds