Fuji Apple

Fuji Apple

Fuji Apple

Details   Existing apple tree that we under planted with rhubarb, strawberries and bulbs as permanent plantings and then an assortment of self seeded annuals from the previous year.
Date   June 01, 2001

 Belongs to the following Plant



Botanical name   Malus domestica
Family   Rosaceae
Diameter   1.00
Fruit / berries  
Shade / Sun   Full sun - part shade


Apple - Fuji scion / bud wood

Apple - Fuji scion / bud wood

Details   A large, sweet, crisp, fine textured, and complexly flavoured apple. This vigorous tree produces excellent eating fruit that store very well. A late season apple, Fuji has eating qualities that are similar to Red Delicious. Requires 500 chilling hours to set fruit. Tip bearing.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     apple  scion 
Related info Out of stock

Fuji - Apple

Details   Fuji is a large, sweet, crisp, fine textured, and complexly flavoured apple. This vigorous tree produces excellent eating fruit that store very well. A late season apple, Fuji has eating qualities that are similar to Red Delicious. Requires 500 chilling hours to set fruit. Tip bearing.
Colour   Red