
Budding is a method of grafting in which the scion (upper portion of the graft) is a single bud rather than a piece of stem or twig. Many of the same conditions and materials used for other forms of grafting also apply to budding

Budding is most frequently used to multiply a variety that cannot be produced from seed. It is a common method for producing fruit trees, roses and many varieties of ornamental trees and shrubs. It may also be used for topworking trees that can't be easily grafted with cleft or whip grafts. The stone fruits, cherry, plum and peach, are examples.

Budwood shelf-life and storage

Budwood, can remain viable for several weeks if stored properly. The actual time depends on the species, the condition of the wood at cutting, and the storage method. Here's how you can maximise its longevity:

  • Stone fruits (e.g., cherries, plums): 2–4 weeks.
  • Citrus: 6–8 weeks or more with proper care.
  • Deciduous trees (e.g., apples, pears): 2–3 months under ideal conditions.

Best Practices for Storing Budwood

  1. Harvest Carefully:

    • Select healthy, disease-free wood.
    • Cut early in the morning when moisture content is high.
    • Use clean, sharp tools to avoid damage.
  2. Preparation:

    • Trim leaves and side shoots, leaving just the buds.
    • Keep the wood moist during handling.
  3. Wrapping:

    • Wrap the cut ends in moist (not soaking wet) paper towels, sphagnum moss, or a similar material to maintain humidity.
    • Place the wood in a plastic bag or wrap it in cling film to retain moisture, but ensure there is minimal air inside to reduce the risk of mould.
  4. Labelling:

    • Clearly label each piece with the variety and date of cutting to avoid confusion.
  5. Refrigeration:

    • Store at a temperature between 0–5°C, ideally in a vegetable crisper or a sealed container to maintain consistent humidity.
    • Avoid freezing, as it can damage the wood.
  6. Check Regularly:

    • Inspect for mould, dehydration, or other signs of deterioration.
    • If mould develops, gently wipe with a solution of one part bleach to ten parts water and rewrap.

Properly stored, most budwood should remain viable long enough to graft successfully. If you're unsure of its freshness, perform a scratch test—green, moist tissue under the bark is a good indicator.

Why propagate by budding?

Budding, particularly "T" budding, is faster than any other grafting technique. With a little practice, the right conditions and compatible plants, the percentage of successful unions can be high. Experienced budders may get 90 to 100 percent take. Even for the beginner, the percentage of successful unions is usually greater than with other forms of grafting. Budding is also well adapted to plant shoots from 12 - 25mm in diameter. In larger branches, buds may be inserted in vigorously growing twigs near the upper part of the plant.

Besides ease and success, a stronger union is formed than those made with other grafting techniques. Because only a single bud is inserted, you can produce a number of new plants even when scion wood of a new variety is scarce.

When is the time to bud?

"T" budding can be done almost any time that the bark of the stock slips (easily separates from the wood) and buds are fully developed. Most budding is done from late January to early July (fall budding). Buds set at this time normally remain dormant until the following spring. In cold climates, bud growth in fall is undesirable because young shoots are subject to winter injury. Fall budding is the most common technique for producing fruit trees. Spring budding (in September and October) is possible but is less desirable than fall budding. Another process called June budding is best suited to climates with relatively long growing seasons. Beginners should select fall budding.

How should stock be prepared?

Young plants selected for the understock must have new, vigorous growth. In early summer, take off any shoots on the lower 150mm of the trunk. This gives you a smooth surface to work on. Most budding of young plants is done 50 to 75 inches above the ground; however, it is possible to bud higher.

What are budsticks?

The budstick is a twig, usually from the current season's growth. It is taken from the plant of the desirable variety to be increased. It should have average vigour, be healthy and have plump, well-developed buds. Buds on the centre of the twig are generally better than those near the tip or the base (where the twig may have branched from another limb).

As soon as you cut the budstick from the tree or shrub, clip off the leaves; allow about 10 - 20mm of the leafstalk to remain as a handle. Use budsticks as soon as they are taken from the tree, but if necessary, they may be stored in cool, moist conditions.


How should buds be selected and prepared?

As in other forms of grafting, a very sharp knife is important. Special budding knives are available that can be used for making the cuts and lifting bark for easy bud insertion. To cut a bud from the budstick, start 10 - 20mm below the base of the bud. Make a smooth, slicing cut upward that extends 10 - 20mm above the bud. As you finish the cut, bring the knife upward to release the bud. You must cut the wood (shield) attached to the bud straight. Beginners often remove buds with a slightly curved cut. A curve in the shield (wood attached to the bud) makes poor contact and most likely will not form a union. When you cut the bud from the budstick, you must immediately insert it into the understock before either dries. Any drying or dirt on the bud shield can mean failure. Some budders remove the wood from the shield, leaving only the bark and bud for insertion. However, beginners will be more successful if they leave the wood on the bud piece.

How should the understock be prepared?

The most common and successful cut made in the understock for budding is the T cut. Select a smooth, branch-free location on the stock. Make a vertical cut parallel with the grain of the wood by drawing the knife upward. The cut should be about 25 - 30mm long. Position this cut so the bud will fall in the proper location. Remember that once inserted, the bud should be placed in about the centre of this vertical slit.

After making the vertical cut, make a cross cut which forms a T at the top of the vertical cut. Make the cross cut at a slightly downward angle to make insertion of the bud piece easier. Cut through the bark but not into the wood. with or below the cross cut.

How is the bud inserted?

After making the two cuts to form the T, gently lift the bark at the junction of the two cuts with the knife. However, if the bark is slipping properly, this step may not be necessary.

To insert the bud, place the base of the bud shield into the slit at the top of the T cut. Slide the bud down into the vertical slit until the top of the shield is even with or below the cross cut.

Leaving the short section of leafstalk as a handle can make insertion easier. However, with experience, buds can be inserted without it. Prompt insertion as soon as the buds have been cut from the budstick is important.

How should the bud be wrapped?

After the bud has been placed in the T cut, it should be wrapped. Rubber budding strips are common and easy to use. However, string or raffia may also be used. You can start either above or below the bud, but generally it is better to start above and wrap downward to keep from pushing the bud out if the bark is loose. Make three or four wraps above the bud and three or four below. Finish with a self-binding loop. Try to cover the horizontal cut of the T with one loop of the wrap. Never cover the bud.

What care does the young bud require?

Check the bud one week to 10 days after it has been set. By that time you should be able to tell whether or not it has formed a union. If both the bud and the surrounding bark of the bud shield are shrivelled and dry, it has not taken. You may have time to graft another bud on the stem. If a union has taken place, the bud and shield will look fresh. If non-elastic wrapping materials were used, cut them off at this time. If elastic wrapping bands were used, they may be cut at any time. Some will deteriorate naturally in a few weeks.

In spring, after the bud starts swelling, cut off the stock near the cross of the T. Occasionally, birds may present a problem. They may light on the developing bud shoot and break it loose before it is completely healed. In such situations, it is better to cut the stock off 4 to 5 inches above the bud to avoid such breakage. This stub above the bud can be cut back later when the shoot is larger and more durable.

As the bud begins growing, buds from the rootstock may develop shoots. They should all be removed as soon as they appear before they are more than 50 - 75mm long.

Do not prune the new branch that has developed from the bud during the first summer. If there is danger of it being broken by wind, it would be better to tie it to a stake or devise other means of support than prune it.


Summer budding season January - March

Summer budding season January - March

Done during summer, budding can be used to add wood from a desirable tree onto a different root stock much like grafting.

Length: 150 – 170mm with 3 - 4 buds

Diameter: 5 – 12mm

Orders will be cut and dispatched for prompt budding.

  January   February   March  


Plant propagation

Plant propagation

Details   There are many ways to obtain healthy plants for next to nothing. By propagating your own plants you not only save money but can introduce genetic variation by starting new plants from seed.

If you are looking to replicate a natural ecosystem or create a biodiverse and healthy garden you are going to need a lot of plants. Many species can be cloned by taking cuttings or by layering.

Prune Trees in Spring After T-Budding or Chip Budding

After performing T-budding or chip budding (typically done in late summer to early autumn, around February–April in the Southern Hemisphere), pruning in spring (September–November) is essential to encourage strong growth.

  • Wait until the buds start growing before pruning—this ensures the graft has taken successfully.
  • If multiple buds have sprouted, allow the strongest one to develop while removing weaker shoots.

How to Prune After Budding

  1. Remove Competing Growth

    • If the original stem is still growing, prune it back to just above the grafted bud to redirect energy.
    • Remove any side shoots or suckers from below the graft.
  2. Train the New Shoot

    • Once the new shoot grows 15–30 cm, provide support if needed (e.g., tying it loosely to a stake).
    • If multiple buds have sprouted, keep the healthiest one and remove the others.
  3. Shape the Tree

    • If the new shoot is vigorous, pinch the tip to encourage branching.
    • Remove any weak, damaged, or downward-growing branches.
  4. Monitor Growth

    • Keep an eye on the graft union to ensure it is healing well.
    • Regularly check for pests or diseases that could affect young growth.

Final Tips

  • Always use sharp, clean pruning tools to prevent disease.
  • Avoid excessive pruning in early spring, as it can reduce sap flow and weaken the tree.
  • Continue shaping the tree through summer and autumn for better structure and productivity.
September 21, 2025
November 21, 2025
  November   September   October