Silver wattle growing madly

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Silver wattle growing madly

Silver wattle growing madly

Planted in 2010, this silver wattle has but put on an impressive amount of height since this photo in mid 2012. Nature only needs the slightest nudge to send it down a path of productivity and abundance.
I noticed fantails use the wattle trees as 'stepping stones' or islands to travel across the open expanse of paddock.
In 2014 the tree is now large enough for an 8 year old to climb.
July 06, 2014
  wattle  acacia  carbon  growth 


Silver wattle

Common name   Silver wattle
Botanical name   Acacia Dealbata
Family   Fabaceae
Details   Fast growing, coppices readily, good firewood. Can sucker from root disturbed / damaged roots.
Date   July 01, 2010
Diameter   1.00
Height (m)   25
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Shade / Sun   Full sun
Soil type   Dry
Wind tolerance   High

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wattle  acacia  carbon  growth