

Common name   wattle, mimosa
Family   Fabaceae
Details   A large genus of fast growing, evergreen, nitrogen fixing plants ranging in size from shrubs to canopy trees.
Main uses include firewood, timber, shelter and support
Flowers   Yellow
Nitrogen fixer  


Silver wattle

Common name   Silver wattle
Botanical name   Acacia Dealbata
Details   Fast growing, coppices readily, good firewood. Can sucker from root disturbed / damaged roots.
Family   Fabaceae
Diameter   1.00
Date   July 01, 2010
Height (m)   25
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Shade / Sun   Full sun
Soil type   Dry
Wind tolerance   High
Trees for animal fodder

Trees for animal fodder

By now it should be obvious that we need more trees in our landscapes, however inconvenient that may seem. The benefits are numerous. Using trees for supplementary animal feed is a smart strategy in drought prone areas. This includes:
  • Fresh leaves / foliage
  • Fruits and berries
  • Nuts and seeds
Once established, trees are long lived with a deep root system capable of funding moisture in dry times. Large volumes of edible material can be produced, along with all the other benefits provided by appropriate species of trees.
September 04, 2018
  trees  animals