Creeping Raspberry

A native of Taiwan, this spectacular, fast-growing, evergreen groundcover is from the same family as Strawberries and Raspberries. Please Note: This is an amazing groundcover but a reluctant fruiter, the trigger for fruiting is still a mystery. However when it does fruit you will enjoy!

Landscape Value

An excellent plant for weed suppression or to stabilise banks, to prevent erosion, and wonderful in pots or hanging baskets with the rich foliage flowing over the sides, trim the edges to maintain size It is not just for ditches or slopes, it looks particularly nice when grown in a raised bed or planter and allowed to cascade over a wall or container. Some landscapes have difficult sites, such as hot, dry, erodible slopes or ditches where soil moisture fluctuates from very wet to very dry. Not many plants tolerate these conditions, but Orangeberry, Rubus pentalobus, is one that will. In fact, it not only survives, it thrives under harsh growing conditions.

Nutritional Value

Cancer-fighting ellagic acid, fibre-rich seeds, vitamin C & A, folate, potassium, iron & calcium

How to Eat

Orangeberry gives a dramatic colour contrast in a berry fruit salad or berry pie.

Expected Yield

As they are resistant fruiters yield is hard to predict.

Generic Fruiting Time




Will grow in shade but flowers best in full sun so plant in a sunny well drained site.


Wind will keep bees and insects away from pollination.




Frost tolerant with foliage turning purple in winter.


Will grow in sandy or clay soil but does not like wet soil.


Restrict roots by planting in a pot or plant 4 to 6 feet apart to allow them plenty of room to spread.


Feed sparingly and only when foliage is pale green apply a granular fertilizer in early spring. Apply fertiliser when the foliage is dry, and use a broom or rake to remove excess granules from the leaves. Then water with overhead irrigation to wash off any residual fertiliser.


Prune only to restrict growth. Ideally this plant should be planted where it can grow and cover a large area without the risk of growing over paths and other plants.


Die-back fungal so will need to be sprayed if the conditions are humid and damp.


-1.5°C once established and leaves get a purple tinge but will not die off.

Special Conditions

To encourage fruiting: do not feed, apply potash, do not prune, and restrict roots.

Creeping Raspberry

Creeping Raspberry

Details   A native of Taiwan, this spectacular, fast-growing, evergreen groundcover is from the same family as Strawberries and Raspberries.
Common name   Creeping Raspberry
Botanical name   Rubus hayata-koidzumii
Height (m)   0.3
Fruit / berries  
Drought tolerance  
Shade / Sun   Full sun - part shade
Soil type   Most


Winter plant propagation by division

June 30, 2020
Clone or duplicate plants by dividing. May also be useful to reinvigorate or restart ageing plants.
The exact process will differ for each species but generally involves digging up part or all of the plant, carefully separating or cutting rooted sections before removing most of the leaf surface area and replanting in new locations. Post care includes watering and weeding as required.

Divide and replant bulbs such as daffodil, multiplying leeks
  June   July   August