Resilient Farming
Natural strategies for improving land productivity while reducing dependencies on external inputs
The current state of typical North Canterbury pasture land:
- Soil compaction caused by use of heavy machinery and stock density leads of increased run-off, nutrient loss and possible erosion
- Susceptibility to drought conditions
- Exposure to wind
- Low levels of organic matter, carbon and biological life in soil
- Reliance on external nutrient inputs and their associate costs
All of these factors can be addressed by implementing the following:
- Planting of drought resistant fodder tree species such as tagasaste and salt bush
- Use nitrogen fixing tree species to boost soil fertility below the surface
- Trees reduce extreme winds, shade and protect soil, increase humidity and offer improved environment for young animals
- Root action loosens and aerates soil for better plant growth
- Flowers and seeds food for native and beneficial species
- Run rows or double offset rows on contour to aid water infiltration and prevent erosion
- Space rows wide enough to inter crop and allow access with machinery
Objections and hurdles to overcome
- Rows need to be temporary fenced or animals kept out of entire block during establishment, 2 - 3 years minimum. During this time inter-cropping could make up the lost production (hay, cereals etc.)
- Cost of establishment and lost production during establishment phase
Case studies