Piptanthus nepalensis seeds

Piptanthus nepalensis seeds
Flowers   Yellow
Common name   Evergreen Laburnum
Botanical name   Piptanthus nepalensis
Details   This Himalayan shrub grows easily from seed, is evergreen in mild sheltered sites, semi-evergreen elsewhere, losing its leaves in hard frost but soon recovering again in spring. The growth is upright and flexible, allowing plants to be trained on warm walls where they are sheltered and flower more profusely. The blooms are large and bright yellow, like those of laburnum but in short upright clusters. Although good drainage is important, make sure plants are watered in summer to prevent sudden die-back.
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  shrub  yellow 
Price   $4.50  20 seeds
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Piptanthus nepalensis, commonly known as the Nepal Laburnum, Evergreen Laburnum or Golden Rain Laburnum, is a deciduous shrub or small tree native to the Himalayan region, particularly found in Nepal, Bhutan, and parts of northern India. This plant species possesses several uses and qualities that make it appealing for various purposes:

  1. Ornamental Plant: Piptanthus nepalensis is prized as an ornamental plant for its beautiful golden-yellow, pendulous flowers that appear in late spring or early summer. The flowers grow in long, drooping racemes, resembling a cascade of golden rain, hence the common name "Golden Rain Laburnum." Its aesthetic appeal makes it an attractive choice for gardens, parks, and landscapes.
  2. Wildlife Attraction: The bright and showy flowers of Piptanthus nepalensis attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, contributing to biodiversity and ecosystem health. The plant's nectar and pollen provide essential food sources for these beneficial insects.
  3. Low Maintenance: Piptanthus nepalensis is relatively easy to grow and maintain. It is adaptable to different soil types and generally requires minimal pruning, making it a low-maintenance choice for landscaping.
  4. Medicinal Uses: In traditional medicine, certain parts of the Piptanthus nepalensis plant have been used for various therapeutic purposes. For instance, some communities in the Himalayan region use the bark and leaves in herbal remedies for certain ailments, though it's essential to exercise caution and consult qualified healthcare professionals before using plants for medicinal purposes.
  5. Nitrogen Fixation: Like other leguminous plants, Piptanthus nepalensis has the ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil through its root nodules. This nitrogen-fixing capability enhances soil fertility, benefiting neighbouring plants.
  6. Slope Stabilization: Due to its deep-rooted nature and ability to grow in diverse environmental conditions, Piptanthus nepalensis can help stabilize slopes and prevent soil erosion.
Evergreen laburnum

Evergreen laburnum

Details   This Himalayan shrub is evergreen in mild sheltered sites, semi-evergreen elsewhere, losing its leaves in hard frost but soon recovering again in spring. The growth is upright and flexible, allowing plants to be trained on warm walls where they are sheltered and flower more profusely. The blooms are large and bright yellow, like those of laburnum but in short upright clusters. Although good drainage is important, make sure plants are watered in summer to prevent sudden die-back.
Botanical name   Piptanthus nepalensis
Height (m)   2.5
Diameter   2.00
Nitrogen fixer  
Shade / Sun   Full sun, Partial shade
Flowers   Yellow