Found 12 results tagged with 'yellow'

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Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Botanical name   Helianthus annuus
Details   This easy to grow plant will produce a single large yellow flower 1 to 2 meters above the ground.
  • Plant climbing beans amongst the sunflowers when they are a meter high, the beans will climb the stem
  • The seeds ripen in April and can be fed directly to chickens or left for birds
  • Can get blown over by strong wind
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Tags     annual  edible  flowers  tender  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Colour   Yellow
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Red Broom Seeds

Red Broom Seeds

Common name   Ruby Scotch Broom
Botanical name   Cytisus Ruby
Details   Seed collected from Cytisus Ruby, a small, fast growing, shrub with an abundance of deep, crimson-red flowers from late spring and early summer. Due to cross pollination or genetic diversity the seed may produce plants with some yellow flowers as per photos.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  red  shrub  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Hopi Black Dye Sunflower Seeds

Hopi Black Dye Sunflower Seeds

Botanical name   Lunaria annua
Details   Similar to the regular, common sunflower but often having multiple smaller flowers and dark purple / black seed casing that the Hopi people of North America have traditionally used to make a dye for cotton, wool and basketry
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Tags     edible  flowers  yellow 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds
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South Island Kowhai seeds

South Island Kowhai seeds

Common name   South Island Kōwhai
Botanical name   Sophora microphylla
Details   A native tree of New Zealand, well known for its distinctive, bright yellow flowers and attractive foliage. It is a small to medium-sized tree, typically growing between 8 to 12 meters in height, with a semi-deciduous habit. The South Island kōwhai has fern-like leaves with small, glossy leaflets, and its iconic flowers bloom in early spring, usually from August to November. The tree’s juvenile form often has tangled, interlacing branches, but it matures into a stately, elegant adult tree.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  native  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Piptanthus nepalensis seeds

Piptanthus nepalensis seeds

Flowers   Yellow
Common name   Evergreen Laburnum
Botanical name   Piptanthus nepalensis
Details   This Himalayan shrub grows easily from seed, is evergreen in mild sheltered sites, semi-evergreen elsewhere, losing its leaves in hard frost but soon recovering again in spring. The growth is upright and flexible, allowing plants to be trained on warm walls where they are sheltered and flower more profusely. The blooms are large and bright yellow, like those of laburnum but in short upright clusters. Although good drainage is important, make sure plants are watered in summer to prevent sudden die-back.
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  shrub  yellow 
Price   $4.50  20 seeds
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North Island Kowhai seeds

North Island Kowhai seeds

Common name   Large-leaved kōwhai
Botanical name   Sophora tetraptera
Details   Large yellow flowers from September to November loved by bellbird and tui. Seed requires scarification before sowing. Mechanical scarification works best for this species. Reasonable results can also be achieved with hot water treatment.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  native  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Senna Seeds

Senna Seeds

Common name   glandular senna, downy senna, buttercup bush
Botanical name   Senna multiglandulosa
Details   A fast growing evergreen shrub which become treelike. The leaves are each made up of several pairs of thick, hairy, oval-shaped leaflets each measuring up to about 4 centimetres long. The leaves are studded with visible resin glands between the leaflets.
Frost sensitive  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  tender  tree  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Laburnum Seeds

Laburnum Seeds

Common name   Golden chain or golden rain tree
Botanical name   Laburnum anagyroides
Details   Also known as golden rain or golden chain due to yellow pea-flowers in pendulous leafless racemes 10–40 cm long in spring, which makes them popular garden trees. All parts of the plant are poisonous, although mortality is very rare.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     deciduous  flowers  N fixer  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Calendula Seed

Calendula Seed

Common name   pot marigold, common marigold or Scotch marigold
Botanical name   Calendula officinalis
Details   Yellow or orange flowers, the petals of which can be added to salad. Makes a great companion plant in the garden.
Tags     edible  flowers  orange  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Yellow bush / tree lupine seeds

Yellow bush / tree lupine seeds

Botanical name   Lupinus arboreus
Details   A fast growing woody lupine with yellow flowers and a sweet scent. Grows well in poor quality soil and makes a good source of biomass and quick low growing shelter and habitat. Short lived perennial bush or shrub that grows in poor conditions. Nitrogen fixing
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  shrub  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Russell Lupin Seeds

Russell Lupin Seeds

Colour   mixed
Botanical name   Lupinus polyphyllus
Details   This leafy plant can grow to a meter and a half with its tall colourful spires of flowers which are a nectar source for bumblebees and other insects. Being a legume, lupins fix nitrogen in the surrounding soil for use by other plants making them a useful as well as attractive addition to the garden or orchard.
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  perennial  pink  purple  white  yellow 
Price   $3.20  20 seeds
Watch Learn More Only 3 in stock   Order